We do this in a number of different ways:
Our Quality Management System
We have developed our own internal Quality Management System (QMS) to continually monitor and assess the quality of all our care, support and housing services. It ensures that all operational services are safe, deliver high quality support and are well-led. It also has a particular focus on how effectively we support customers to become more independent and have choice and control over the services they receive.
The system ensures we can quickly identify, address and learn lessons from any concerns, problems or common trends across service delivery. The system also allows us to recognise and highlight excellent practice across services so we can share this learning across the organisation.

"My current role involves carrying out quality visits to our services, checking that they meet our own quality standards and seeing what we can learn and share with other services"
External regulation
As well as our internal QMS, our services are monitored and assessed regularly by commissioners, partner agencies and for some of our services, the Care Quality Commission.
Customer involvement
Our customers play a central role in monitoring the quality of our services. Our quality tools have been created with customers, ensuring that they focus on areas which matter to them.
Customers can also volunteer to be Quality Checkers and they are trained to assist in service inspections. During inspections, our Quality Checkers ask current customers, and sometimes family members and carers, about the quality of service they receive.
In 2019 we began a formal Tenant and Landlord Panel (TALP) to support direct feedback from customers. This panel provides an inclusive environment for customers to voice their views while also being a part of finding meaningful solutions.
Investing in staff
We know that having high quality staff is the only way to ensure we provide high quality services to our customers.
Learning from feedback
Receiving feedback is essential in helping us to continually improve and deliver high quality services. We are committed to listening and learning from all feedback, and ensuring lessons are learnt and good practice shared.
Please visit our Complaints and Feedback page and leave us feedback – we’d love to hear from you.